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QUESTION PLAYERS Posted by Spicii (TD) Jul 14 2016 3:02PM I mornings free most of the time from 9 am to about noon. Are any of you interested in playing earlier tourneys? I try and set some later one since I recuperated but cant get joiners. How about some input, likes, any comments helps, just keep them positive. Thanks all, Spicii Posted by iuuri (VIP) Aug 23 2016 12:51AM I can't promise dates... But surely once or twice a week i could play in that schedual. 5am, or 6 am sounds good to me, if anyone joins... ;) IUURI Posted by Spicii (TD) Aug 29 2016 1:55PM tHANK YOU SO MUCH I WILL WORK ON THOSE TIMES FOR A FEW, TYTY Tournements Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) Aug 29 2016 6:31PM Thanks for starting up Canasta Tourneys again, now I am working, but soon will retire again and I will play anytime, especially in the winter. Now I get home about 5:15 pm est and can play after that. I will play your 5:30 tomorrow but will miss the rest. Thank You Tournaments Posted by Adrian_Graveney (VIP) Sep 2 2016 3:56PM Despite consistently finishing in the top 10, I have yet to play in a tournament. Quite frankly, there is no incentive to do so! Suggest you change the ladder from once a month to once a week, Monday to Monday and run tournaments all weekend long. I would have no problem with prizes being given to the top 5 only! Also suggest that every Monday evening you hold a tournament for non blues only just to give them a taste of it! |

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