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Valda Posted by Adrian_Graveney (VIP) Oct 24 2017 8:53PM TO GIVE YOU SOME BACKGROUND,,,,I WALKED AWAY FROM MY LIFE 9 YEARS AGO...OTHERWISE I WOULD HAVE PERISHED FROM ALCOHOL ABUSE...SO WHEN YOU REACHED OUT TO TOUCH ME....I RAN AWAY....REGAINING ONES BRAIN IS THE HARDEST PART OF ALCOHOL RECOVERY....AND THAT MEANS RELEARNING TO LIKE ONESELF AND RELEARNING WHO ARE FRIENDS AND NOT UGLY MONSTERS IN THE NIGHT....YOU AND THE OTHER WONDERFUL LADIES PLAYING THIS AMAZING GAME HAVE DONE MORE TO HELP ME TO TOTAL MENTAL RECOVERY AND I AM PROUD TO HAVE PLAYED ALL OF YOU SIMPLY AMAZING Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) Oct 31 2017 6:54PM Adrian, thank you for sharing a part of your personal life story. Recovery is one of the most difficult experiences anyone has to endure. However, the rewards of doing so(as you are seeing) far outweigh the downside. I am encouraged by your transparency. You have always joined my table without any major fanfare and we have played like it mattered. Thank you for that and for letting us be just a small part of your journey to new health and new heights! LA :) |

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