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GR8 MEMORIAL FUND Posted by Pearle (moderator) Apr 10 2012 12:49PM As some of you may know, after a long struggle with illness, one of our much loved TDs,GR8, passed away at 5:20 a.m. on Easter Sunday morning. Jerry was one of our first TDs and considered us his second family. He loved GameColony, the TDs and the players. In a conversation with one of our webmasters, Jerry remarked that he found our site, whether hosting, or having a friendly game with the players, to be very therapeutic for him. Jerry registered his account at GameColony on October 8, 2003. On December 13, 2003 he hosted his first cribbage tournament; and on March 27th, 2012, he hosted his last cribbage tournament. Total tournaments Gr8 hosted was 2,730. We dont often do this at GameColony, but because he was loved not just by his fellow TDs, but the players, as well, we are establishing a GR8 Memorial Fund for Gr8s family to help them out with some of the expenses they are experiencing. If any player would like to make a donation, please do a Contact Us as soon as possible, but no later than April 20th, telling the webs you would like to transfer X amount of tickets from your account to the Gr8 Memorial Fund. Any amount, no matter how little or how big, will be greatly appreciated. GR8 will be missed by all. |

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