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Leaving tournement rooms

Leaving tournement rooms
Posted by Buttegal71 (VIP) May 15 2024 12:33PM

Its really disrespectful to leave a the room when your suppose to play SjFranda. You do this all the time. It delays everyone's game. So my advise is for you to stop.

More on that
Posted by MAB (moderator) May 17 2024 2:44PM

Several people are going in and out of the room. These people are on phones. When they switch to look at the sign up list or the bracket, they are taken out of the room. TD Bones told me that didn't need to happen. If you scroll on your phone screen you can see the other page. We have been working with players to be sure they realize they can prevent leaving the tourney room.

Posted by Buttegal71 (VIP) May 19 2024 7:09PM

Thanks MAB for the information

Posted by jikol92 (VIP) Aug 4 2024 7:43PM

MAB, when you say scroll, what direction do you mean? will the bracket be on the left, right, above, below? I tried to scroll every which way in a tournament I just played and couldn't figure it out lol ty!

Posted by Bones (TD) Aug 8 2024 10:53PM

Normally, (on Android phones) from the tournament LOBBY room, you must go backwards (arrow back) and that will take you to the signup or bracket page. You can then update, and the current brackets will be displayed. Once you update the brackets, you will then have to reenter the tournament lobby room. However, no player should be leaving an actual GAME room to view the updated brackets. This should only happen before or between matches. Leaving a game room during a match is a violation of the rules. Players should feel free to update and view the brackets before or after a match, not during a match. If you have to leave a current match, you should notify your opponent and the tournament director. That way your intentions are known, and everyone has an expected return time. On computers and some other advanced phones, you might be able to view both the brackets and game rooms at the same time. I suggest experimenting with these functions before or after matches, never during a match that interrupts the flow of the tournaments.

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