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Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) Feb 19 2015 5:56PM

I cannot help but wonder what makes the gin main hall such a wonderful place to play in. In fact, the whole game of gin itself is a pleasure. I check frequently to see what challenges may be outstanding and more than naught ... there aren't any. Wow that is amazing! No one clamoring to get over each other can only mean one thing. We fully cooperate with each other with excellent sportsmanlike behavior. Since I play spades, canasta and backgammon avidly, I am at a loss why those environments can't lend themselves to be more like this awesome group of GC lovers. Anyone have any thoughts?

Posted by LVGAL (VIP) Feb 28 2015 4:14PM

Hi, Lady_Awe this is my first time posting at this forum. I have been playing on this site off and on for a few years now. But have never thought to check out the forum until now. But anyway as to your post, I was wondering if you might be able to explain what exactly the other groups are like? What it is they are not doing, or what makes them so different if possible? I'm just curious that's all. Thanks propain

Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) Mar 3 2015 1:34PM

Hi ProPain, I have personal observations that may sound like complaining - I hope not. In Gin and BG you JUST have to be a VIP (ticket player) to play the ladder. Games don't happen otherwise, even with the challenge option available. I find that strange since in Spades and Canasta you can find non-VIP ladder climbers. You see, in BG some believe speed implies that you are better, which is definitely not the case. And because games are fast paced, conversations (read bonding) doesn't tend to happen. When bonding isn't involved the competitive nature is stronger, I feel. In Canasta and Spades, non-VIPs do play the ladder, however they need to use the challenge option to get decent games it appears. And because all card games require a player track and or count cards to secure their wins, there is little time for chat. Less sense of community to me equals less sense of fun. And don't forget to throw the "snobs" into the mix. They are the ones that irk me the most. They don't care about the ladder whatsoever, which is fine, but ....... they never play anyone whose rating is below theirs. They believe that rating alone indicates how good you are. This can never be true. I am known to play any and everyone who sits at my tables. And I know which players are of like mind. They are the true sportsmen at GC and are the ones most responsible for making it the fun environment it is. Just my thoughts having been here for many years.

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