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send messages for any account

send messages for any account
Posted by rulebrittannia Mar 3 2016 9:28AM

Have 2 windows 10 laptops with microsoft graphics ( intel and amd not available). On both machines set to pc spec of 1280 x 800 or 1366 x 768. Neither machine has the send message button available. Prior windows 7 worked. Opponents sometimes irritated with no communication. Is there a workaround. Changing windows size no change.

How to send chat messages
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Mar 3 2016 9:30AM

There's no longer any 'Send Message' button for chat. Instead, there is a small rectangular area within chat that says 'type message'. See picture below - a red arrow is pointing to the chat area. As soon as you type your message, press Enter key and the message will be sent! <IMG SRC=/images/chat_html5.jpg>

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