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Some sad news ...

Some sad news ...
Posted by Pearle Nov 25 2017 4:34PM

Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that our TD, and friend to many, Don, passed away on November 22nd. I do not know the details, I just know he became suddenly ill and was in the hospital for a few weeks. I know he will be missed! Below is a link to his obituary.

Posted by MAB (moderator) Nov 26 2017 6:13PM

So many of us became very fond of Don over the period of several years. He was always willing to help and loved his players and he LOVED Game Colony. We will miss him ! RIP Don.

Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) Nov 26 2017 9:49PM

This is indeed very sad news. My heart and my prayers go out to his family and loved ones in this time of loss. Don will be remembered fondly.

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