Gin Rummy
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FREE 3 Tickets to each Gin Rummy Tournament player!

FREE 3 Tickets to each Gin Rummy Tournament player!
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Oct 20 2018 12:56PM

We are starting a promotion for tournament players only. This is a one-time offer: Any tournament player who posts a link to on their personal Facebook page to gets 3 Tickets. A tournament player needs to use Contact Us and report their link (URL) in Contact Us and they will get 3 Tickets added to their account.

You can do it!
Posted by GoDiva (moderator) Oct 25 2018 3:32PM

If I can manage to do this anyone can. All you have to do is type on your FB page, post it and copy what is in the search engine box (there is a lot of it) and send it via a contact us.

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