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Table Watch

Table Watch
Posted by lgressel (VIP) Mar 23 2022 1:52PM

Wish there was a way to watch player and see their cards so I might learn as I’m realizing I’m not very good but do love the game

You wish to watch players play & see their cards?
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Mar 23 2022 7:01PM

There's a reason why in a real world land-based tournament games nobody is allowed to watch players' cards. If a watcher was allowed to do that - that would have been an open invitation for collusion: a watcher then could find multiple ways (e.g. via gestures) to communicate about one player's hand to an opponent. We have designed the system in such a way that it becomes impossible for any player or watcher to see other player's cards Shuffling occurs within a firewall-protected server and only own hand is transmitted to a player.

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