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New game and then leave table

New game and then leave table
Posted by NordRack2 Jul 30 2012 8:58PM

It happens many times I get the message "your opponent wants to play one more game" and then when I click "yes" it says "your opponent left the table". I find this very annoying and it happens sooo many times!! Can anything be done about this? For example if you hit that button "new game" and your opponent hits "yes" within 5 sec you can't leave the table, you have to play. Cheers, NordRack2

Posted by NordRack2 Aug 14 2012 6:34PM

Sorry, this is actually taking place in the chessroom, not in the poolroom. I see now there are many forums, I thought there was only one. Poolers are mostly friendly and polite. Tc, NordRack2

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